Kordecki Automation designs, manufactures and launches control systems and equipment for automation of production processes.
We know the processes automated by us
Designing and launching industrial automation is executed in our company in a complex manner – from the design, through prefabrication of control cabinets, programming, connection on the premises, launching, to testes with users.
Knowledge of industrial automation can be sufficient for correct designing and execution of control systems for machinery and process devices, however,it is the experience that guarantees that launching and commissioning will become fully successful.
Control systems and equipment for automation of production processes are designed and assembled as complete in our company. These are dedicated solutions, tailored to the expected outputs and quality of production processes.
We focus on theses areas and processes where we have sufficient experience and competences and which can guarantee investment success to us and our customers.
You can find some of our projects under WHAT’S NEW tab.
Collaboration with renowned companies
We worked directly for companies or our projects can be found in such companies as:
Toyota Manufacturing, Sanden Manufactruring, Whirlpool, Faurecia, European Spallation Source, Kriosystem, Electrolux, DIKO Polska, Saule Technologies, Legrand, Carl Stahl, Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Poland, SRG Global and any more which are the leaders in their respective areas and sectors.

Expert team
Our team consists of experts in designing and starting control systems for:
- Process installations such as: distribution of cryogenics, drying plants for grain, belt, chamber, #HVAC, #mixers, # brewery, #concrete production, #heat pumps , #high capacity heat sources, #CIP stations, # heat recovery from flue gas, #filtering air from chemical production etc.
- Machinery: #Dosing equipment, #twisting equipment, #feeders and detail orientators, #presses, #high volume portals, #Cartesian manipulators and SCARA robots, #paper cutting machinery, #flying saws, #heavy and light – precise transportation systems, # devices for production of sandwich panes, ball mills for ceramics and many other devices difficult to classify.

We invite you to cooperate with us,
Jacek and Piotr Kordecki